Terms and Conditions - BYOD

Computers and software are provided for Digital Capabilities courses unless stated otherwise. However, we recognise that you may prefer to bring your own computer. This is often referred to as BYOD (Bring Your Own Device). In the context of a Digital Capabilities course, a device is usually a laptop computer, but could, in some circumstances, be a tablet, netbook or suitable smartphone.

If you want to bring your own device, first check the specific course description to see if it is 'BYOD friendly' and then read and comply with the guidance below.

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To work on practical exercises during the course you will need a laptop computer; a low-powered 'netbook' (such as a Chrome Book) or a tablet will not usually be suitable. In addition, you will need to provide your own mouse and keyboard (where necessary), and a mains power adapter. Your laptop must be able to connect to Wi-Fi; you will not be able to use a wired network connection. Eduroam is available in the teaching rooms.

If you are bringing your own device to a session that requires particular software, you must ensure that you have installed, updated and tested the software ahead of the session. Some software may need you to have administration rights to your laptop in order for it to install. There will not be an opportunity to troubleshoot problems with the software installation during the session.

It is your responsibility to ensure that you have the appropriate licences for software that you use on your laptop for the purposes of the course.

Software used on Digital Capabilities courses will run on most modern computers. However, we can make no guarantee that particular software will run on your computer.

Before using your mains adaptor in the teaching rooms you may be asked to plug it into a test socket. The Digital Capabilities team reserves the right to refuse to allow the use of electrical equipment that it considers to be unsafe or unsuitable.

Participants must make sure that any cables used do not cause a trip hazard.

Before connecting to the University's wireless network you must have anti-virus software installed and regularly updated.

You must not share your Wi-Fi access credentials with anyone else. When using the University's Wi-Fi connection, you must abide by the University of Oxford's "Regulations Relating to the use of Information Technology Facilities".

Teaching rooms may sometimes be left unlocked; it is your responsibility to take all necessary precautions to safeguard your device. You should password protect your laptop, and if it contains sensitive or personal data you should encrypt the hard drive.

It is your responsibility to keep backup copies of your data, including the data and files that you generate during the session. The Digital Capabilities team can take no responsibility for loss of data that might occur during the session, irrespective of whether or not it was as a result of class activities.

There is very limited technical support available during the course; you must make sure that your laptop is in full working order before you arrive.

If your laptop doesn't work in the class, or the required software is not installed correctly, you will be asked to use one of the class computers if available. If there is no class computer available, then you may not be able to participate in the class.

The University of Oxford does not bear responsibility for devices used by you in the context of its courses. Any configuration, damage, repair, service or warranty issues are the responsibility of you and/or the device owner.

The Digital Capabilities team does not provide secure storage for your devices. It is your responsibility to safeguard your devices from theft or interference.

You assume full liability for risks including, but not limited to, the partial or complete loss of your data due to an operating system crash, errors, bugs, viruses, malware, and/or other software or hardware failures, or programming errors that render the device unusable.

You must use your devices in an ethical manner at all times and adhere to the University of Oxford's "Regulations Relating to the use of Information Technology Facilities".

The Digital Capabilities team reserves the right to refuse to allow the use of your device in the teaching rooms if it considers it to be unsafe or unsuitable. If there is not a classroom computer available you may not be able to participate in the class.

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